Watercolor spattering

Watercolor is such a versatile medium. It seems hard to control, but then when you play a lot with it, you'll get to know the material and its behavior better. You'll get more confident using it in your sketchbook.

Sketchbook Tour

Today I am letting you flip though my latest sketchbook.
I love flipping through other people's sketchbooks, and this is what I want for my upcoming book: it should feel like you're going through one of my sketchbooks.

An Accessible Sketchbook Challenge

Whenever things seem to become dull or boring, I’ll switch up tools and techniques to give myself variety and challenges. Here's an example of a small and accessible challenge for your sketchbook: I call it "drawing snippets", or a "sketch collage".

Getting Inspired

You can’t just sit around and wait for an idea to come to you. Picasso said it well: “Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.”
But the work doesn’t need to feel like “work” - make it as effortless and fun as you can, so you can dive right into the creative flow.

Let's play with a Brush Pen

I love using brushpens.

It takes a bit of practicing to draw with a brushpen, so today, let's play with brush, ink and water.
I am not talking about brush markers, which are also great. I am talking about pens that are filled with ink like a fountain pen, but instead of a nib, they have a brush.

Sketchbook Tour

Today I'd like to show you a sketchbook I filled in November and December last year. It's filled to the brim with daily stuff, adventures, mundane and exciting... and all of it is part of my illustrated story.

One or more sketchbooks

Dedicating a sketchbook to a certain topic or theme could be a great way to give yourself an extra nudge or push or motivation, but it could also become kind of a chore when you isolate that one particular thing in one sketchbook. When you keep a bunch of sketchbooks for several challenges or projects, then that might solve that problem.

Foreground / Background

Today we are working with two colors, representing two layers in our drawing: the foreground and the background. We are drawing with one continuous drawing with each color, so that we keep moving our line and can't get into details or start getting fussy.