Hi there, I’m Koosje!

pronounced "Kōsha”

I’m an artist and creative entrepreneur living in the Netherlands. I love drawing and I do it every day. On this website, I hope to inspire you to develop a drawing habit too, because it can make you feel good.

Photo by Rick Keus

One or more sketchbooks

One or more sketchbooks

Lately, I've been doing a lot of Self portraits. I draw all kinds of different versions of my self using different materials, being in different moods and moments., and different 'me's.

Some people choose to dedicate a sketchbook for a recurring theme like selfies, and I've been thinking of doing that too, but so far, I enjoy doing the occasional spontaneous selfie sprinkled in between other drawings in my sketchbook.

Dedicating a sketchbook to a certain topic or theme could be a great way to give yourself an extra nudge or push or motivation, but it could also become kind of a chore when you isolate that one particular thing in one sketchbook. When you keep a bunch of sketchbooks for several challenges or projects, then that might solve that problem. However, that could also be overwhelming! For me one sketchbook at a time (and maybe occasionally 1 on the side for a special challenge, idea, or reason) works best. I keep it for my daily practice and so the pages are telling my daily stories in a chronological order. I like it that way. For each artist, it's different. There are no rules, it's just about personal preference.

I like doing self portraits, because it gives me a reason to practice portraits - with a model that’s always available. I like how my self portraits reflect my mood. I also know many people who hate doing self portraits. Of course, the possibilities for recurring topics, or for challenges to dedicate sketchbooks to, are endless.
Just a few ideas: A watercolor-only sketchbook, a location sketchbook, one for doodles, one for drawing food, one for collage, one to keep on the bedside table, one to keep in your purse or the glove compartment of your car, one to portray your pet over and over again… I guess you catch my drift here - anything goes, as long as it excites you to open the sketchbook and make a drawing regularly.

How To Capture a Bigger scene - Part 3

How To Capture a Bigger scene - Part 3

How To Capture a Bigger Scene - Part 2

How To Capture a Bigger Scene - Part 2