Hi there, I’m Koosje!

pronounced "Kōsha”

I’m an artist and creative entrepreneur living in the Netherlands. I love drawing and I do it every day. On this website, I hope to inspire you to develop a drawing habit too, because it can make you feel good.

Photo by Rick Keus

My Sketchbook, Filled Last March

My Sketchbook, Filled Last March

Welcome to Draw Tip Tuesday!

Today I am flipping through the pages of the sketchbook that I filled in March. It's a Hahnemühle Nostalgie sketchbook, size A6. A tad bit smaller size than I would usually pick (although I've chosen this size sketchbooks before, when I knew I had busy times ahead and needed something accessible and doable, or to take with me when traveling).

Just as I finished my previous sketchbook, I had tennis elbow and it was painful. My physical therapist advised me to do whatever I do with the use of my arm, no longer than 20 minutes at a time - then rest. So I figured that with a smaller size sketchbook, you can work a bit faster (as the pages will be filled quicker than in a sketchbook twice or three times its size). The size also makes it easy to carry (less weight on my arm/elbow, and well... it just felt like the right fit.

The tennis elbow restrictions made me work faster and looser, and they made me creative. I was drawing with my non-dominant hand more often (to lighten the load on my right arm), I would set a timer for 20 minutes and was often surprised how much I got done in that time.

Watch this flip through of my March sketchbook

It doesn't matter what size or format your sketchbook is - what matters is that you spend time drawing in it. I am really so happy to have this daily sketchbook practice. It is so valuable to take time to draw the things around me, empty my head, ground myself, and just BE for a little creative while. I want this for you too. So I encourage you to choose a sketchbook that seems inviting to you, rather than choosing a sketchbook that might be intimidating because of its size, format, or price you paid for it. Bring that joy to your day by drawing your adventures, big and small. Mine include in this sketchbook blooming flowers as well as smelly shoes. Coffee dates with myself, and time with friends. Drawings of my husband that unsurprisingly don't look like him. And more - it all is part of my story that I tell without even realising it, when I am enjoying the ink flowing on paper while I find my way around the drawing.

Will you join me to be an artist in Paris for a magical week in the fall? I'll be teaching Paris Sketchbook again, along with the inspiring teachers Cynthia Morris, Marty Gregg and Marcus McAllister. Visit the website for more info and to grab your spot!

Sketchbook shown in this video:
Hahnemühle Nostalgie sketchbook, size A6



Virtual Travel Sketchbook

Virtual Travel Sketchbook