Hi there, I’m Koosje!

pronounced "Kōsha”

I’m an artist and creative entrepreneur living in the Netherlands. I love drawing and I do it every day. On this website, I hope to inspire you to develop a drawing practice too, because it can make you feel good.

Photo by Rick Keus

Don't Compare

Don't Compare

Welcome to Draw Tip Tuesday!

In today's video, I share some drawings from my archive, and I talk about the creative process of learning. About how to get better at drawing, and about expanding your comfort zone. 

One of the "traps" for artists (whether aspiring, beginning, or even well established), is that we tend to compare our art to the art we admire. But you can't compare your beginning to someone else's middle. And talent is often confused with hard work. Great portrait artists may accomplish portraits with amazing likeness, but they weren't born this way. There goes a lot of practice into it - trial and error. And the experimenting, explorations and discoveries you make along the way, make it so much fun!

In case you missed it:
My book "life is better when you draw it" is now available for you to purchase online. It's an illustrated book for people who love drawing and need inspiration. It's about how drawing can make you happy and mindful. In the book, I share ways to embrace the daily sketchbook habit, tips, and lots of drawings from my sketchbooks.

If you want a copy - and I know you do - go here: https://www.koosjekoene.com/book

If you'd like to learn from me in person: check out my workshop schedule here: https://www.koosjekoene.com/workshops

If you like my free weekly videos, then please consider backing me on Patreon. You'll will be helping me to keep consistently making Draw Tip Tuesday videos, and making them available for everyone for free: https://www.patreon.com/koosjekoene

Thank you for considering to support me, it means a lot!

Or, if you don't want to commit, you can also simply buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/phkUNCsJY

Thankful For My Sketchbook

Thankful For My Sketchbook

Mega Sketchbook Tour

Mega Sketchbook Tour