Hi there, I’m Koosje!

pronounced "Kōsha”

I’m an artist and creative entrepreneur living in the Netherlands. I love drawing and I do it every day. On this website, I hope to inspire you to develop a drawing habit too, because it can make you feel good.

Photo by Rick Keus

Who's Coming To Malta With Me?

Who's Coming To Malta With Me?

Travel Drawing Workshop Malta

I am excited to announce an upcoming travel workshop in Malta!
It’ll be November 4-8, 2023

A while ago Brenda Murray, who is the owner of Studio56Boutique.,invited me for a live chat about my book (you can rewatch the interview here) .

After that initial chat, Brenda and I chatted some more. I had heard great stories from Ian Fennelly about Studio56Boutique. He has taught many travel workshops with her and he also now has a book out, published by Brenda.
So I was interested about her travel workshops, and soon enough she was telling me all about her visit to Malta last summer and how she’d love to lead a travel workshop there - with me as the teacher.

How can I say no to the Meditteranean?
Will you come with me in November 2023? We’ll draw in the narrow streets of Rabat, Valetta or Mdina, have a wonderful travel-and-art-experience, capturing it all in our sketchbooks.

Brenda will bring us to the most beautiful spots on Malta. I’ll teach daily onsite drawing workshops. Even if you think you can’t, I’ll teach you fun techniques and exercises, that will help you to capture things/[places/views that might seem overwhelming at first.
You will visit authentic villages, archeological sites, do a harbor cruise, taste the food, feel the sea breeze, draw, draw, draw, and draw some more.
During this trip, you’ll learn from me, but also from your fellow travelers -it’s truly inspiring.
We’ll explore line, color, shape and composition, and we all do it on location, drawing our surroundings.

By the end of it your sketchbook is filled with memories, and you can go home energized and inspired.

I can’t wait! And I’d love for you to join me.

All information is HERE

Urban Sketching

Urban Sketching

CityTekenTrip Wintereditie - Maastricht!

CityTekenTrip Wintereditie - Maastricht!